Where do you start when you want to level up your Excel ability?

"That didn't work. How can I get this into Excel?" ... you say ... again!

Yes spreadsheets, Excel and specifically VBA language are dinosaurs. However they remain wildly popular in motorsports.

You might be the go-to person for all things spreadsheets. The very best person you know at Excel - but how can you take the next step?

In motorsports, the need for calculations pops up everywhere. 

What you need are robustly calculated solutions that are accurate, flexible and easy to update - and you want them quickly!

Excel is your adjustable spanner for anything that requires more than a calculator ...

You know Excel can do more. You have tried. You've got stuck. Then you've lost hours (and hours!) of your life trying to rephrase your issue to get a decent answer from Google ... 🤷‍♂️

Unfortunately, what you might have found when getting more ambitious is that your data can quickly overwhelm the spreadsheet.

With motorsports data logs especially, you might be dealing with thousands of rows of data. Once you start adding cell calculations for every row, multiple tabs of data, charts, formatting, lookups etc, your sheet will become slow and cumbersome.

VBA To Your Rescue!

With a little VBA code you can transform your spreadsheet life.

You might have heard about Excel VBA. You might have even recorded a few marcos.

What you want now, is to get more understanding and more control over your code.

You want to be clear what is really going on under-the-hood - and waste less time getting stuck ...

You might even have been given someone else's Excel sheet to unpick - and have no idea where to start.

It is well worth you investing your time to learn more about what Excel VBA can do for you.

Excel VBA For Motorsports

With over 1.5 hours of video lessons this course will quickly give you a zero BS grounding in how to use Excel VBA.

I say it is Excel VBA For Motorsports but the course deliberately focuses on simple calculation - the challenge of adding up a column of numbers!

Keeping the calculation part simple reduces your distractions.

By the end of this course, you will know 70-80% of all the fundamental things you need to learn in Excel VBA.

Within a couple of days you will rapidly be up to speed and putting your knew knowledge to good use.

Good luck and let's get started! 😊


    1. Overview

    2. Introductory video to Excel VBA course.

    3. Introductory slide handouts

    4. Course Answers [Excel Spreadsheet]

    1. Introduction - Part 1

    2. Welcome To Part 1 Video

    3. Environment Setup

    4. Subroutines

    5. Sheet IO

    6. Sheet IO Example

    7. Sheet IO Example Part 2

    8. Message Box Introduction

    9. Introduction to Dimensions

    10. More With Dimensions

    11. Conclusion of Part 1

    1. Introduction - Part 2

    2. Welcome To Part 2 Video

    3. The Double Dimension

    4. Option Explicit

    5. Another Types of Cell Reference

    6. Introduction To The For Loop

    7. More For Loop

    8. Debug.Print

    9. Conclusion of Part 2

    1. Introduction - Part 3

    2. Welcome To Part 3 Video

    3. Introduction To Arrays

    4. More Arrays

    5. Top Tip - How To See Inside An Array

    6. Finding The Last Row

    7. Array Debugging

    8. More Sophistication With UBound & LBound

    9. Better Sheet Referencing

    10. Conclusion of Part 3

    1. Introduction - Part 4

    2. Welcome To Part 4 Video

    3. Performance Analysis Using Timer

    4. IF Statements - At Last!

    5. Performance Improvement With ScreenUpdating

    6. Conclusion of Part 4 + Your Next Steps

    7. Final Thoughts & Links

About this course

  • £49.95
  • 41 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content