Data For Track Drivers – Mini Course [FREE]
Imagine if you knew – without doubt – how you could improve your lap times. Start your data detective journey today.
Why is one driver faster than the other?
Where should I start with data analysis?
How can I compare different drivers braking points?
Can I easily work out how hard a driver was braking? If so how?
How should I use on-board video in driver assessment?
Is it possible to see how much lap time was gained or lost through a corner?
How much grip are the drivers using - and how can I tell?
Can I compare the drivers turn-in points for a corner? If so how?
How can I turn this new insight into faster lap times on the actual track!? 😉
Race Engineer from Warwickshire UK.
Welcome To The Course
Pro v Am - Who was faster?
Have You Used All Your Tyres Potential Grip?
Corner Analysis And Use Of Onboard Video
Speed Trace & Time Slip
Steering & Brake Analysis
Applying Advanced Driving Techniques
Making Your Driving Game Plan
Data For Track Drivers - Next steps
Data For Track Drivers Mini-Course: Quiz